
Jasper Bibbs bring ELITE pro level training to Utah

If you're serious about playing in college, check out SportsFit Health and Performance Institute in Highland, UT ASAP

Before I get into the great interview with Jasper Bibbs, owner of SportsFit, I did want to highlight a few teams who performed well at Section7 in AZ (on the relisten I failed to mention LCA who went 2-2 in a very hard bracket as well…apologies to those student athletes!) along with share about my experience at the Colorado Live Showcase.

Next year, we should see more Utah HS programs in Denver at the Colorado Live Showcase. Brian Burton and his team did a wonderful job getting top level teams and college coaches to the event and I watched a few kids from Judge and Skyridge get on some radars and earn scholarships from it. Very very solid event.

On to the highlight of the show, which is the absolutely amazing and world class facility in Highland, UT that is just opening up on July 1, 2024. Jasper Bibbs only has room for about another 40-45 athletes and between his equipment, tech, and experience I think it might be the best way for your athletes to gain the edge they need.

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